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Property Line Survey
FEMA Flood Elevation Certificate
Plot Plans
Blackstone Valley Mapping will research your property and the abutting properties. Then we will draft those properties in our computer and look for any discrepancies or errors. After resolving any problems and finding all known monuments in your locus, we will come to your property and set your lot corners and stake your property lines. To get an estimate of what this service will cost, just email the address, the name on the deed and what exactly you want surveyed.
At BLACKSTONE VALLEY MAPPING & CONSULTING, we take care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs. We are available to take your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient.

We provide a variety of services including:
Recently FEMA revised their Flood Maps. This revision has changed the Flood Zone lines to include more properties in an attempt to recoup money spent on large natural disasters in the last few years. Many times these "Flood Zones" are found to be inaccurate. Blackstone Valley Mapping can come to your home and check the elevations there against the Base Flood Elevation and see if you actually fall in the Flood Zone. If not, we provide the proper documentation to FEMA proving you are not in the Flood Zone.
When building an addition or a new home, most towns require a certified Plot Plan, showing the location of the home and/or addition. We provide this service. Whether you are purchasing a new home or refinancing a home, usually a Mortgage Inspection Plan is required. Blackstone Valley Mapping provides this service as well. To get an estimate for either of these services, just email the address of the property, name on the deed and the service you are requesting.
If you have any question concerning services or prices, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly customer service staff will help find the best solutions for you.